Loturi trimise: 2
Loturi primite: 2
Loturi în progres: 0
Stele primite: 5.00
Ţara: Islanda
Limbi: English, Icelandic and a bit of Spanish
Membru din: 16 Februarie 2018
Ultima activitate: 23 Martie 2018
Hi! My name is Indíana, I’m 26 years old and from Iceland. I have collected stamps for about 12 years. I used to live in Norway and when I got back my collection got sent back home in boxes that were then stored in my garage for the night. That night it got stolen. There were people that came in and took about 10 boxes with them and my books were in one so I’m starting over. I have a little bit of a collection already and I look at this as a chance to do thing differently. I’m looking forward to send some stamps out in the world and getting some beautiful stamps back !
My main collection
- Animals - Mainly mythical creatures or sea creatures and horses.
*Australia is a particular favorite when it comes to animal stamps
- nerdy stamps (movies, Star Trek, dr.who, Pokémon etc)
- Japanese stamps - anything pretty
Then I recently started to collect 50’s retro stamps. The whole diner, Elvis, war, women in service vibe :)
*No definitives or CTO’s please :D
Happy trading !