Loturi trimise: 2
Loturi primite: 2
Loturi în progres: 0
Stele primite: 5.00
Ţara: Statele Unite ale Americii
Limbi: English
Membru din: 15 Aprilie 2019
Ultima activitate: 28 Iunie 2019
What I prefer to get: Used, worldwide especially India, China, Japan, Canada, Australia, New Zealand. Tho I love and appreciate all the trades I receive. I don't mind nicer definitives but do prefer commemorative.
What I send: I often trade a mix of worldwide stamps tho sometimes will trade an individual country or region depending on what I have on hand. I try to trade as many commemorative stamps as I can but when I send definitives I do my best to keep it to not so common and interesting postmark when able.